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The City of Osceola Street and Sanitation Department will be closed on September 2nd for Labor Day. We will pick up the entire city on September 3rd.

  • Responds to complaints of potential code violations relating to signage, abandoned and/or hazardous buildings, property nuisances, land use, zoning, noise, dumping, polluting, property maintenance, or other code related matters.
  • Patrols the city to locate and correct code violations.
  • Conducts field investigations of potential violations; gathers evidence; questions or interrogates complainants, witnesses and suspects; compares facts to code requirements; makes findings; sets hearings; and issues warnings, correction notices, or citations.
  • Meets with owners, tenants, businesses, etc. to review and explain code requirements and violations or potential violations; secures code compliance.
  • Follows through on the enforcement of conditions of approval and mitigation measures associated with discretionary permit issuance.
  • Represents the city in the course of assignment; maintain effective and cooperative relations with the public.
  • Analyze, evaluate, and interpret all city codes; explain enforcement procedures to the public.
  • Prepares a variety of written reports, memos, notice of violations and correspondence related to code enforcement activities.
  • Assists in obtaining, preparing or presenting exhibits or other evidence in court as required.
  • Performs related duties as assigned by the Mayor of Osceola.
  • Enters and maintains electronic records and data bases on code enforcement activities.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024