Untitled Document

The City of Osceola Street and Sanitation Department will be closed on September 2nd for Labor Day. We will pick up the entire city on September 3rd.

These Net-Metering Rules are intended to assist customers who desire to construct their own renewable energy facilities while protecting customers who wish to avoid cost increases that may result from renewable energy subsidies. In addition to balancing affordability and renewable energy, these Rules support and reaffirm OMLP's longstanding commitment to the safe and reliable operation of our local electric distribution system.
These Rules were prompted by changes in the law applicable to net-metering applicable to all utilities in Arkansas. In many ways, they are similar to regulations approved by the Arkansas Public Service Commission ("APSC") after extensive public hearings and arguments. While the APSC lacks jurisdiction over OMLP, many of the arguments that were raised during hearings before the APSC were considered in the development of these Rules.

pdfOML&P Net Metering Policy (August 2021)1.01 MB

Wednesday, September 11, 2024