Untitled Document

The City of Osceola Street and Sanitation Department will be closed on September 2nd for Labor Day. We will pick up the entire city on September 3rd.

Osceola Department of Streets & Sanitation
Established by: Ord. No. 436, Sec. 1

Fees & Rate Schedule

Garbage Rates

  • Residential: $15.00              Monthly
  • Office Buildings: $39.00       Monthly
  • Commercial: $37.50             per 8yd. dump


Chapter 10.08 Garbage Regulations


  • Garbage Collection
  • Garbage Department, Created
  • Garbage, Defines
  • Garbage Collection
  • Garbage Cans
  • Apartments
  • Receptacles
  • Garbage Littering
  • Receptacle Placement
  • Materials not Picked up
  • Garbage Pick up
  • Garbage Rates
  • Responsibility for Payment
  • Collector designated; billing; funds
  • Reservation of power in City Council
  • Bagging Various Items
  • Time and Placement of Garbage
  • City Dumpsters
  • Commercial Dumpsters

10.08.01     Garbage Collection


  1. All garbage, waste, trash and refuse within the city shall be collected regularly by the city, and no other person shall be allowed to collect
  2. The City will furnish fifty plastic bags, each resident and apartment, of the type and quality required, two time each year, in January and in July, (the cost of which is included in the garbage fee) and after the supply of bags furnished by the City is exhausted, the owner or his agent or occupant, shall furnish any additional plastic bags required to meet the provisions of the ordinance, at his, it or her own expense.

It shall be the duty of each and every householder to place the same in an easily accessible appoint near the curb for collection by the City sanitary department on such day or days as may be assigned to that area of the city. Ord. No. 1975-488.

10.08.02     Garbage Department, Created


There is hereby created a garbage and sanitation department, hereinafter referred to as “Garbage Department,” to be under the supervision and maintenance of the mayor, or such other competent person as may be selected by him. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 1.

10.08.03     Garbage, Defines


The term “garbage” is hereby defined to mean all putrescible wastes, except swage and body wastes, including vegetable and animal offal and carcasses of dead animals; kitchen garbage which is the animal and vegetable refuse from the kitchen, meat shops, fruit stands, soda fountains, restaurants hotels, and similar places; ashes, cinders, slack, which are the refuse matter from stoves, furnaces, fire-places; rubbish, which consists of worn-out household articles, rags, paper, broken crockery, tin cans, and old metal; yard sweepings, which are composed of paper, dust, lawn clippings, leaves, weeds, grass, sticks, and stable manure; store waste, which is composed of boxes, barrels, tubs, cartons, floor sweepings and paper. All such items shall hereinafter be referred to as “garbage.” Ord. No. 436, Sec. 2.

10.08.04     Garbage Collection


City to provide garbage and waste disposal dump. The mayor and city council shall provide a suitable place where all garbage and waste may be hauled and disposed of. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 3.

10.08.05     Garbage Cans


All proprietors of hotels, restaurants, cafes, boarding or eating houses, housekeepers, each family unit and occupants of buildings in the city, shall provide the necessary cans or other receptacles as herein provided. Kitchen garbage shall be kept in galvanized iron cans, with tin or metal covering fitting tightly over said can, such cans to have a capacity of ten, fifteen, twenty,


thirty, or fifty-five gallons and be provided with two handles. Provided that yard and stable manure, ashes, cinder, etc., shall be kept in any box or vessel that can be handled by one man; yard and stable manure shall be kept in any covered box or bin so arranged that flies cannot reach the manure storage therein. Provided, further, that old paper, and rags may be placed in burlap bags or in boxes in such a manner that contents cannot blow away or be scattered. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 4.

10.08.06     Apartments


The owner of any apartment house shall provide the necessary cans or other receptacles at his own expense for each apartment or housing unit continued in his apartment house, and shall be responsible for his tenants depositing daily their accumulation of garbage in such receptacles as herein provided. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 5.

10.08.07     Receptacles


It shall be unlawful for any person other than the garbage collector, person owing the can, or other receptacles, or the servant or employee of such person to deposit any garbage, article or substance in the receptacles, or to remove, injure or destroy, uncover, or in any manner disturb such receptacles or any portion of its contents, except as herein provided. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 6.

10.08.08     Garbage Littering


No person shall place, burn or throw waste paper, or other garbage on any street, sidewalk, alley or public place within the city, at any time, day or night. Provided, further, that the exact location of all receptacles may be under the direction and control of the garbage collector or his assistants. Trash and clippings shall be placed along curb for pick up. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 7.

10.08.09     Receptacle Placement


Where garbage consists of paper, excelsior, straw or other packing material the occupant of the premises shall provide a box, barrel, or other receptacle so that the contents may not be blown about or scattered. Size of the receptacle needed to care for such garbage shall be determined by the garbage department. These receptacles may be placed at the rear of the premises, but must not be placed so as to interfere with traffic up and down any alley, and must be easy of access to the garbage collector. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 8.

10.08.10     Materials not Picked up


The terms and provisions of this chapter shall not obligate the city, to pick up or remove refuse or debris which results from construction or repair work, wood or limbs cut or removed from trees. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 9.

10.08.11     Garbage Pick up


Garbage shall be collected from private residences by the city at least twice a week and it is hereby made the duty of the occupants of every dwelling in the city to have garbage on their respective premises properly placed in approved cans and available for regular garbage collection. Garbage, trash and rubbish shall be collected from business and commercial houses as required with the exception of Sundays and Holidays. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 10.

10.08.12     Garbage Rates


  1. The fees to be charged and paid for the collection and disposal of garbage shall be on a monthly basis, payable in advance, as follows:
    1. Each Single family residence, flat, apartment or house-keeping unit, per month for each housekeeping unit - $12.50.
    2. Office buildings shall pay for each separate suite of rooms, or room in said office building – 37.00
    3. Each building, house, or part of building occupied by a commercial business shall pay a rate of $4.00 per yard per dump of their dumpster (i.e. charge for dumping an 8-yard dumpster would be $32.00). The number of dumps per week will be at the request of the business. Any additional dumps will be done if equipment and staff is available at the above
  1. One or more classifications may be combined to achieve an equitable result. No. 2011-894.
  1. Commercial business shall include the following kinds of business: Hotels, grocery and/or meat markets, cafes or restaurants, department stores, jewelry stores, auto supply stores, wholesale grocery stores, cleaning and pressing shops, laundries, motion picture theaters and other kinds of theaters, lumber yards, plumbing shops, electric shops, bottling plants, slaughterhouses, service and filling stations, garages, shoe repair shops, barbershops, beauty parlors, printing shops, stationery shops, newspaper, machine shops, stock sales barns, wholesale gas, oil and refining companies, boardinghouses, bakery shops, undertaking parlors, paint stores, drug stores, soda fountains, marble and monument establishments, dairy products companies, and industrial plants and other kinds of businesses, unless otherwise specified. Ord. No. 1995-705.

10.08.13     Responsibility for Payment


  1. The fees chargeable against dwelling houses and other establishments are levied on and collectible from the person in whose name the dwelling or establishment is rented or from the owner or occupant. A separate fee is hereby fixed for and shall be collected from and paid by each unit of a multiple family dwelling house occupied as a residence, or an apartment house.
  2. For purpose of this chapter, an "apartment house" is defined as being any dwelling that is occupied by two or more family
  3. All owners of apartment houses as defined in subsection (b) are required to notify the city garbage department of the address of the apartment houses owned by


them, the number of units in each apartment house, the number of rooms per unit, and the name and address of the owner. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 12.

10.08.14     Collector designated; billing; funds


The Osceola Municipal Light and Power Department is hereby designated the official collector of garbage fees. The fees herein levied and fixed are on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable in advance. The amount of the garbage fee shall be listed on a statement furnished by the collector and mailed to each person owing garbage fees. The fee shall be fixed according to this chapter with proper amounts to be charged each person receiving a garbage disposal service and a record of same shall be kept by the collector. The monthly period for each person receiving such service and owing such fee, shall coincide with the Osceola Municipal Light and Power utility bills. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 13.

10.08.15     Reservation of power in City Council


The city council shall have the power to reduce or increase the fees herein listed for said service by resolution adopted at any regular meeting of the council, and in the same manner add new businesses; or businesses not listed, as well as names of persons occupying residences, apartments, duplexes or other living quarters, to the schedule and set fees therefor. Ord. No. 436, Sec. 14.

10.08.16     Bagging Various Items


All persons, firms and corporations are required by this Ordinance to bag in the usual and customary bags, all clippings, leaves, twigs, and all other discarded items suitable for or capable of being made suitable for bagging. All citizens are required to cooperate in reducing the labor required by the Osceola Sanitation Department in collecting garbage and refuse.

  1. All persons, firms and corporations engaged in tree cutting within the city shall, at their own expense, promptly remove from the City of Osceola cut
  2. All persons, firms and corporations engaged in roofing within the city shall, at their own expense, promptly remove from the City of Osceola all such roofing material removed as waste, - including lumber
  3. All persons, firms and corporations must dispose of all discarded water heaters, washers, dryers, stoves, appliances and other bulk items outside the City of Osceola, at their own expense. Ord. No. 1981-554.
  4. All persons, firms and corporations violating this Ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 for each offense. Ord. No. 1981- 554.

10.08.17     Time and Placement of Garbage


  1. It shall be unlawful for any individual residing east of Elm Street in Osceola, Arkansas, to place his or her garbage or waste on the street for collection prior to Monday mornings and Thursday mornings, and after 9:00 o'clock A.M. on those mornings, those days being the days for collection of garbage by the City


partment for said residences.

  1. It shall be unlawful for any individual residing west of Elm Street in Osceola, Arkansas, to place his or her garbage or waste on the street for collection prior to Tuesday mornings and Friday mornings, and after 9:00 o'clock A.M. on those mornings, those days being the days for collection of garbage by the City Sanitation Department for said
  2. All garbage or waste to be picked up by the City Sanitation Department must be placed in plastic bags, and may not be placed in any other type of
  3. Any person convicted of a first offense for a violation of any of the above sections, shall be fined the sum of Ten Dollars ($1 0.00), plus costs of Court. The second conviction for the violation of any of the above-sections, shall be fined the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) plus costs of Court. A third of subsequent conviction for the viola t ion of any of the above sections, shall result in a fine of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), plus costs of Court. Ord. No. 1988-619.

10.08.18     City Dumpsters


  1. That it is hereby prohibited for any person to place construction materials or debris in any trash dumpster owned by the
  2. That it is prohibited for any person who is not a resident of the City to place any trash or any other matter in such
  3. That any person convicted of violating this ordinance shall be fined up to $100.00 for each separate violation. Ord. No. 1997-730.

10.08.19     Commercial Dumpsters


  1. Illegal Dumping Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to illegally dump and deposit garbage or other items in any commercial business dumpster unless the person has written permission from the commercial business owner or owners who pay the dumping fees on the commercial business
  2. Penalty. Any person found guilty of violating this ordinance by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be assessed a fine in an amount not to exceed $100.00 or double that amount for each repetition of such violation. Court costs shall also be assessed against any person found guilty of violating this ordinance. Ord. No. 2007-843





Wednesday, September 11, 2024