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The City of Osceola Street and Sanitation Department will be closed on September 2nd for Labor Day. We will pick up the entire city on September 3rd.

Hi, my name is Edward Richardson and I am the Street and Sanitation Superintendent for the City of Osceola Arkansas. We have a beautiful city and I hope that the information provided will be beneficial to you and help you in your decision to visit us or help you in your decision to relocate in our area!

We are confident that the services we provide to our citizens / community are second to none, so, if we can be of assistance to you or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (870) 563-2612 for more information on any of the departments listed. I hope that the information provided has been beneficial and I hope that you will visit our beautiful and friendly city!


Edward Richardson - Street and Sanitation Superintendent


Wednesday, September 11, 2024