The City Wide Clean-Up Scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 28th has been cancelled. A new date is being planned.
Public Works Committees
Gary Cooper - Chair
Linda Watson
Tyler Dunegan
Steve Choals
PUBLIC MEETING RULES: These committee meetings fall under requirements of city council public meetings. The chairman should provide Stacey with the meeting agenda so Stacey can fax the proper public notice/agenda to the press. Stacey will see that the meeting is posted on the city’s website. Stacey will make available a recording device, such as a tape recorder, backup batteries and blank cassette tape for the meeting. The chairman is responsible to record the meeting. Afterwards, the chairman should write the date and committee name on the cassette tape and give the tape to Stacey. If the chairman wants the committee’s staff member(s) available, and the meeting is during regular business hours, please contact the mayor to make arrangements.
Police, Fire & Animal Control Committees
Stan Williams - Chair
Sandra Brand
Greg Baker
Chief Collins
Chief Fleming
Jane Stanford
PUBLIC MEETING RULES: These committee meetings fall under requirements of city council public meetings. The chairman should provide Stacey with the meeting agenda so Stacey can fax the proper public notice/agenda to the press. Stacey will see that the meeting is posted on the city’s website. Stacey will make available a recording device, such as a tape recorder, backup batteries and blank cassette tape for the meeting. The chairman is responsible to record the meeting. Afterwards, the chairman should write the date and committee name on the cassette tape and give the tape to Stacey. If the chairman wants the committee’s staff member(s) available, and the meeting is during regular business hours, please contact the mayor to make arrangements.
Finance & Purchasing Committees
Linda Watson - Chair
Tyler Dungan
Gary Cooper
Melissa Brothers
Don Lindsey
PUBLIC MEETING RULES: These committee meetings fall under requirements of city council public meetings. The chairman should provide Stacey with the meeting agenda so Stacey can fax the proper public notice/agenda to the press. Stacey will see that the meeting is posted on the city’s website. Stacey will make available a recording device, such as a tape recorder, backup batteries and blank cassette tape for the meeting. The chairman is responsible to record the meeting. Afterwards, the chairman should write the date and committee name on the cassette tape and give the tape to Stacey. If the chairman wants the committee’s staff member(s) available, and the meeting is during regular business hours, please contact the mayor to make arrangements.
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NAME. The name of this organization shall be the Osceola Land Bank Commission (the “Commission”).
The purpose of the Commission is to reverse urban blight, increase home ownership and the stability of property values, provide affordable housing, improve the health and safety of neighborhoods within the City of Osceola (the “City”), and maintain the architectural fabric of the community.
Section 1. The Commission shall consist of nine (9) qualified persons to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by City Council. The Commissioners shall hold the qualifications prescribed in the ordinance which created the Commission, Osceola Ordinance 2019-________
Section 2. The Commissioners shall have terms of four (4) years, except that the initial members shall have staggered terms to be decided by drawing lots. Five (5) members shall have four (4) year terms, and four (4) members shall have two (2) year terms. A Commissioner shall serve until his or her successor is selected. Commissioners shall be limited to the number of consecutive terms that can be served as set forth in City ordinances, resolution or policy statements.
Section 3. Vacancies shall be filled by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council.
Section 4. When a member of the Commission has missed 25% of all regular meetings in one (1) calendar year or (3) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings, this will be considered nonfeasance and are subject to removal from the Commission and replaced by appointment according to Section 3.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held at least monthly at a place and time set by the Commission in the City Hall meeting room, or such other place as designated by the Commission.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, by the Vice-Chair, or upon written request of five (5) or more Commissioners. Notice of a special meeting, shall be given as prescribed by the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”).
Section 3. An agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting and the minutes of the last meeting shall be sent to each Commission member in advance of the meeting. The Chair shall approve the agenda for each meeting and additional items may be proposed by any member of the Commission. The agenda should consist of the following topics:
allowed for citizen communication)
Section 4. The Commission shall act as a body in making its decisions and announcing them. No Member other than the Chair shall speak or act for the Commission without prior authorization.
Section 5. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public, and notice of these meetings shall be provided in compliance with FOIA and state statute.
Section 6. A record of the proceedings of the Commission shall be maintained per state statute.
Section 1. The officers of the Commission shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected by the Commission. The Secretary shall be the Mayor or his/her designated representative who shall serve in an ex-officio capacity.
Section 2. Terms of officers shall be for two (years) and officers may succeed themselves.
Section 3. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
CHAIR. The Chair shall preside over all meetings and is responsible for establishing the monthly meeting agenda. The Chair shall have the authority to call special meetings provided the proper notices
are given. The Chair shall appoint the members of all committees and is considered an ex-officio member of all committees. The Chair shall sign all approved minutes and, when authorized, other documents on behalf of the Commission.
VICE-CHAIR. In the event of the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair.
SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of all proceeding of the Commission. Minutes of all Commission meetings shall be promptly recorded and maintained and shall be open for public inspection. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of attendance. The Secretary shall also be responsible for:
individual members
The Commission shall have all the duties, powers and authority provided for in ORD-2019-_____.
The Commission may establish standing and special committees as deemed necessary and appropriate. Standing committees shall be composed of two (2) or more Commissioners, but less than a quorum of the full Commission, and shall hold membership for one (1) year or until succeeded. Special committees shall be dissolved when the particular function with which the special committee was charged has been completed. No special committee shall exist for period of more than twelve (12) consecutive months, except by the direction of the full Commission. The Chair also has the discretion to create subcommittees to assist standing and special committees with specific projects or functions. The subcommittees would consist of private citizens appointed by the Chair, with the advice and counsel of the full Commission, who are determined to possess expertise in an area that would be of benefit to a standing or special committee These subcommittees shall be dissolved upon completion off their work, as determined by the Chair, with the advice and counsel of the full Commission, All committees are advisory in nature and do not have the authority to make final decisions on Commission policy regarding any Commission business. Such decisions are reserved for the Commission itself and must be considered at a regular or special meeting.
As required by ORD-2019-____, the Commission hereby adopts its Land Bank Redevelopment Plan:
The Commission shall focus its limited resources on those target areas of the City that show significant signs of decline with the objective of achieving a concentration of revitalization and stabilized or improved property values that will spur private investment in surrounding areas. Signs of decline could be, for example the highest concentrations of vacant structures, the most criminal activity, the highest poverty rates, the least owner occupied housing or the least capacity for self-revitalization.
In the selected target areas, the Commission may:
AMENDMENTS OF BLYLAWS. These bylaws may be amended at any regular business, meeting of the Commission by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the Commission, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular business meeting, and shall become effective when approved by the Osceola City Council.
Secretary: _______________________________ Chair: __________________________________
Approved this _____th day of _______, 2019, by the Osceola Land Bank Commission.
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Osceola Land Bank Commission
As approved by the Osceola City Council on: XXXXXXX
The acquisition and disposition of properties acquired by the Osceola Land Bank Commission (the “Commission”) shall be guided by the following these basic Priorities and Policies. These Priorities and Policies also establish procedures for City staff (the “Staff”) to administer applications for acquisition and disposition of Commission properties. Any applicant who applies for acquisition of Commission property and has their application denied by Staff may appeal the denial to the Commission by submitting, within thirty (30) days of notice from Staff to the applicant of the denial of their application, a letter stating their desire to appeal Staff’s decision to the Commission Board.
The acquisition, use, and disposition of such properties shall at all times be consistent with the authority granted by the Constitution of Arkansas, the laws of the State of Arkansas, the Ordinance XXXXX, the bylaws of the Commission, and the public purposes set forth therein. If there is any conflict between XXXXXX, the bylaws of the Commission and these Priorities and Policies then these Priorities and Policies shall be interpreted in such a way that they do not limit or restrict the authority of the Commission. These Policies and Procedures are guidelines to be followed by City Staff.
In determining which, if any, properties shall be acquired by the Commission, the Commission shall give priority to properties located in focus neighborhoods, as determined by the Commission, and shall give consideration to the following factors:
The disposition of properties shall be based upon a combination of three factors. The first factor involves the intended or planned use of the property. The second factor considers the nature and identity of the transferee of the property. The third factor addresses the impact of the property transfer on the short-and long-term neighborhood and community development plans. The priorities in each factor are not in any particular rank or order.
The disposition of any given parcel will be based upon an assessment of the most efficient and effective way to maximize the benefit to the community. The Commission and Staff shall at all times retain flexibility in evaluating the appropriate balancing of the priorities for the use of property, priorities as to the nature of the transferee of properties, and priorities concerning neighborhood and community development.
Priorities for Use of Property
Priorities as to the Nature of the Transferee
The following factors shall constitute general guidelines for determination of the consideration to be received by the Commission for the transfer of properties. In each and every transfer of real property, the Commission shall require good and valuable consideration in an amount determined by the Commission in its sole discretion on a case-by-case basis, but subject to the minimum price stated below. The Commission will consider both the fair market value of the property and the property costs in its determination of consideration for each property. “Property Costs” shall mean the aggregate costs and expenses of the Commission attributable to the specific property in question, including costs of acquisition, maintenance, repair, demolition, marketing of the property and indirect costs of the operations of the Commission allocable to the property.
1) Consideration shall be established at a level between the Property Costs and fair market value of the property.
2) The consideration to be provided by the transferee to the Commission may take the form of cash, deferred financing, performance of contractual obligations, imposition of restrictive covenants, or other obligations and responsibilities of the transferee, or any combination thereof. At no time shall property be conveyed for less than $1,000 or as determined by the Commission.
Individual parcels of property may be acquired by the Commission and transferred to individuals in accordance with the following policies. The transfer of any given parcel of property in the Side Lot Disposition Program is subject to override by higher priorities as established by the Commission on a case-by-case basis.
Disposition Program shall meet the following minimum criteria (a “Side Lot”):
These policies pertain to transfers whose future use is residential. At time of transfer the property may be vacant, improved or ready to occupy.
Public Works Committees
Gary Cooper - Chair
PUBLIC MEETING RULES: Committee meetings fall under the same FOIA/Public meeting guidelines as City Council meetings. The chairman should provide the designated administration personnel with the meeting agenda that will be fax to the media as the required public notice to the press. The meeting will be posted on the city’s website. Administrative staff will make available a recording device, such as a tape recorder, backup batteries and blank cassette tape for the meeting. The chairman is responsible to record the meeting. Afterward, the chairman should write the date and committee name on the cassette tape and give the tape to the designated staff member. If the chairman wants the committee’s staff member(s) available, and the meeting is during regular business hours, please contact the mayor to make arrangements.
The Osceola Historic District Commission is in place to ensure the preservation of historic buildings related to the history of Osceola, Arkansas. The Commission operates on grant funds from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program in collaboration with Main Street Arkansas, both affiliated with the Department of Arkansas Heritage.
21 Oct 2024 04:15PM - Advertising and Promtion Tax Commission |
21 Oct 2024 05:00PM - City Council Meetings |