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The City of Osceola Street and Sanitation Department will be closed on September 2nd for Labor Day. We will pick up the entire city on September 3rd.


CIT | 12.19.2019

The Community Improvement Taskforce (CIT) met today at Osceola City Hall. Shawn Chafin led the brief meeting as Chairperson. Others in attendance were Stacey Travis, Ed Richardson, Donna Lorino, Luther Wakefield, Mayor Sally Wilson, Steve Choals and Ray Fulmer.

The CIT was informed by Chafin of the final installation of trail cameras. Two cameras are now active in areas identified as being prone to dumping. Earlier this year the group researched and identified this practice as a key source of downtown litter. Images captured from the cameras will provide the necessary legal evidence for effectively prosecuting offenders.

The cameras were purchased by the City of Osceola through a grant facilitated by Main Street Osceola.

Ed Richardson provided the group with an update on a recent survey of businesses located within the city limits. The majority of the businesses surveyed complied with a long-standing municipal ordinance requiring payment and public display of a City Privilege License. Non-compliant businesses were provided with an abbreviated copy of the ordinance, instructions, contact information and an application form. At this time, no current businesses have been ticketed or fined for failure to comply wiIMG 20191219 1059009 2th Ord. No. 1993-690.

Positive progress reports were also made regarding

  • efforts to repurpose two eyesore properties within the I55 - Hwy.140 entrance area
  • an opportunity to acquire a derelict property with historic significance
  • an expansion of the Mayor's placemaking initiative

A major project being planned by the CIT for 2020 is the implementation of a Local Foods | Local Places initiative. Phase one of the program is the establishment of a certified commercial kitchen. Two municipal properties are currently being considered as test sites.

Partial funding for the LFLP initiative will come from a USDA/DRA grant. 

CIT meetings are open to the public.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024